
Karen Brisco


Kia ora koutou

I have been the Principal of Ōmata School since 2003. My door is always open to talk to you about any matter regarding the welfare of your child. This is your school, and we welcome your involvement.

I am proud and privileged to work with a wonderfully collaborative team of Board of Trustees, teachers and support staff. We are committed to engaging our students in dynamic and meaningful learning opportunities where they become compassionate, responsible, effective and confident high achieving learners.

We live in exponential times; the world, the economy, technology and even information is changing at a pace that is often hard to comprehend. Whilst we cannot know what the future holds for ourselves and our children, what we do know is that there will be change.

Preparing our children for their futures has never been more challenging and exciting. We need to engage with the hearts and minds of our students; to model and foster values and respect; to have students take responsibility for their actions and to give students the skills and desire to continue to learn.

In partnership with our parents and community, we need to grow ‘good people’ who care, connect with, and be actively involved in shaping positive futures for themselves and others; people who will be prepared to take responsibility and look at the world with wonder.

Poipoia te kākano, kia puāwai

Nurture the seed and it will blossom